Sunday, April 27, 2008

Ocean the new kitten

Thinking Sunshine needs a playmate, I put words out that i wanna adopt a tortoiseshelled or black kitten. Days later, someone told me a old cat feeder in Bedok rescued a tortoiseshelled in a heavy rain and now puts the kitten outside her flat in a cage. I went there with the carrier and took her home. Wanting the 2 gals to get along, we named her Ocean.

Unfortunately, we soon realised Sunshine is understandably very defensive to other animals although i hope this will improve in the future. So now we have to put Ocean up for adoption. But knowing that a tortoiseshelled has really little chance of getting adopted, we will still take care of her and hope the 2 gals will get along in the future.

Here is some pictures of Ocean and also we realised she is not overly scared of dogs.. Hehehe

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