Friday, May 18, 2007


My brother has just complained for what seem like a millionth time about the urine at the hall. Arghhh!!! I know he doesn't like dogs and has always threatened to beat them when I'm not around. BUT, can he also remember that he is the one who brought doggie home and throw her to me when she is no longer cute!! Arghhh!!! Must tolerate before bf and me get our new place soon!!!


Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi JJ..
Oh dear.. that's terrible. I don't know what else to say except 'Hang In There'..

Wet sloppy kisses,

Billy (YES Casanova!!!) said...

I hope you can leave soon JJ. I would like things to be so much better for you and the love and compassion you give to your furry friends.

BIG hugs and love from Billy Boo:)

e said...

oh dear
I know you've had to face this problem for awhile now.
Hang in there. I hope you can get your new place soon.

Love always
Fei and Eve