Monday, June 04, 2012

Super cute pictures to share....

OK, maybe not super. But still one the few things that truly makes me happy at these times...

Drunk cat alert!

Poor Kylie getting tortured here... Hahaha

I too, get too sleepy when reading the newspapers... :P


Playful fat Goldie

Guess who is in the bag?? Hehe

Its Sunshine! The naughty cat who will pee in a normal carrier but is OK if I transport her like that.
I used to carry her to the vet like that when she was younger.. Guess she feel safer like that...

Cute poodle I boarded during CNY.... Loves humans 

Annoying kitty when I uses the computer too long....

Miss my Doggie and Sidney now... Sigh
(My parents are helping to take care of them temp because I am only renting a room now)

My fatty gal...

The poor pug in a cat tree....LOL!

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