Friday, May 01, 2009

La La the foster cat

More than a week has passed since she is here.My friends have been trying to name her.
FIV(??!!), Annoying, 4am(cos she will start singing at 4am everyday) and noisy.. Hahaha... I think La La suits her. She is a really tame and sociable cat even the vet praises her :) . So while she is awaiting a sterilisation appt., she is making herself comfortable.. She really yearn for a loving home...

Some of her favourite activites..

Waiting by the toilet door for us to come out..
Sometimes with Sunshine...

Resting near Sunshine...

even drinks from Sunshine's bowl!

Unfortunately Sunshine only wants to be the only cat here..
Sidney the ever curious and playful doggie...


. said...

Lala in my company means crazy. LOL

Shinn/Teo said...

My cat starts singing and meowing at like 4, 5 or 6am!!! Different sleeping style as humans ah lol.